德國(guó)耶拿致密涂層石墨管407-152.315現(xiàn)貨,德國(guó)耶拿Analytik Jena石墨管,700型原子吸收AA霧化器。質(zhì)量可靠,產(chǎn)品*,常備現(xiàn)貨,歡迎新老顧客
英文名稱: Pack of 10 pieces Z-standard graphite tube
貨 號(hào):407-152.315
品 牌:德國(guó)耶拿,Analytik Jena
[ vario 6 novAA 400 contrAA 700 ]
407-A81.024 Graphite shroud, pyro-coated
407-A81.018 Pair graphite electrode 2 pieces
407-A81.011 Pack of 10 pieces graphite tube, coated
407-A81.025 Pack of 10 pieces graphite tube with PIN-platform
407-A81.020 Pack of 5 pieces Graphite pipetting insert
407-152.023 Pack of 10 pieces Z-graphite sample platform (solid),pyro-coated
407-A81.303 Pack of 10 pieces solid graphite tube, pyro-coated
Graphite material ZEEnit
Graphite material [ ZEEnit 600/650/700 ] and all upgraded systems ZEEnit 600s/650s
all tubes are pyrolytically coated
407-152.342 Pair of Z-electrodes (2 pieces)
407-152.314 Pack of 10 pieces Z-graphite tube with PIN-platform
407-152.315 Pack of 10 pieces Z-standard graphite tube
407-152.346 Pack of 5 pieces Z-graphite insert
407-152.324 set of graphite parts furnace
Set 1 ZL-graphite shroud, 2 Electrode and 1 pipetting insert
407-152.340 Z-graphite shroud liquid