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更新時(shí)間:2022-05-26 07:40:02瀏覽次數(shù):29次

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大型天文濾光片ASAHI SPECTRA Large Format Filters

大型天文濾光片ASAHI SPECTRA Large Format Filters

Large filters for next-generation wide field camera
Next-generation wide field cameras such as Dark Energy Camera (DECam), One Degree Imager (ODI), Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC),Panoramic Survey escope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) now come of age.
And Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) or Large Synoptic Survey escope (LSST) will have first light in the near future.

Asahi has provided DES 620 mm g, r, i, z, y / DECam u, VR filters to Blanco escope at CTIO, and HSC 600 mm g', z', Y filters to Subaru escope in Hawaii by our proprietary large magnetron sputtering coater during 2011-2014.

We fabricated 445 mm x 428 mm u' band filter for the ODI at WIYN Observatory in Arizona in 2015,
that was a long-absent filter for the ODI.
We also suceeded in siginificantly improving 600 mm r-band filter for the HSC in terms of coating uniformity and transmission in 2016.
It will be replaced from the current r-band filter produced by another vendor several years ago.

Our goals are to achieve the ultimate coating uniformity (< 0.2% of wavelength) over the clear aperture and the higher transmission in passband to shorten the exposure time as much as possible together.
These performances enable wide field cameras to be more poweful instrument for your surveys.


445 mm x 428 mm u' band filter for the One Degree Imager

Asahi was successful in coating the large 445 mm x 428 mm u' band filter for the One Degree Imager in last November.It was safely delivered and installed in the One Degree Imager at WIYN Observatory in Arizona.

Though u' band filter is the hardest of the broad bandpass filters especially in larger size, it met all the requirements compley by WIYN Consortium.


New 600 mm r-band filter for Hyper Suprime-Cam

Asahi past experiences to provide large filters
•    ODI 445 mm x 428 mm u' band filter (2015)
•    DES 620 mm dia. g, r, i, z, y filters (during 2011-2012)
•    DECam 620 mm dia. u filter (2012)
•    DECam 620 mm dia. VR filter (2014)
•    HSC 600 mm dia. g', z', Y filters (2012)
•    HSC 600 mm dia. r-band filter (2016)
•    PFS 390 mm x 365 mm red dichroic mirrors (2015-2016)
•    MegaCam 350 mm x 300 mm u filter (2014)
•    OGLE 310 mm x 310 mm V, I filters (2009)
•    KMTNet 310 mm x 310 mm B, V, Rc, Ic, g', r', i', z' filters (2012)
•    Megacam 300 mm x 300 mm g+r filter (2013)
•    Megacam 300 mm x 300 mm mosaic narrow bandpass filter (2009)
•    Binospec 292.1 mm x 209.55 mm g, r, i, z filters (2013)
•    Binospec 292.1 mm x 209.55 mm long pass filter (2014)
•    SALT HRS 350 mm x 40 mm dichroic mirror (2010)
•    KCWI 248 mm x 220 mm blue band pass filter (2015)
•    PTF 250 mm x 165 mm g' and narrow bandpass filters (2008, 2011)
•    PAU 208.8 mm x 203.4 mm u, g, r, i, z, y filters (2013)
•    Suprime-Cam 205 mm x 170 mm B, V, R, I, u', g', r', i', z', many narrow        bandpass filters (1997-2012)
•    CIAO 240 mm dia. beam splitters (2015-2016)











