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更新時間:2022-06-13 11:40:03瀏覽次數:131次

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1、  能夠處理生活系統(tǒng)綜合性廢水及其相類似的有機污水;

2、  全套裝置施工簡單、操作容易,所有機械設備均為自動化控制,全部裝置可設置于地表以下;

3、  管理維護方便,設備配有全自動控制系統(tǒng)。使用壽命30年以上。



1、 物化處理
1) 絮凝沉淀
2) 吸附法
2、 化學處理
       化學氧化法分為兩大類,一類是在常溫常壓下利用強氧化劑(如過氧化氫、*、次氯酸鹽、臭氧等) 將廢水中的有機物氧化成二氧化碳和水;另一類是在高溫高壓下分解廢水中有機物,包括超臨界水氧化和濕空氣氧化工藝,所用的氧化劑通常為氧氣或過氧化氫,一般采用催化劑降低反應條件,加快反應速率。

       化學氧化法反應速度快、控制簡單,但成本較高,通常難以將難降解的有機物一步氧化到無機物質,而且目前對中間產物的控制的研究較少。該技術也常常作為生化處理的預處理方法使用。 其主要的方法有:

1) Fenton 氧化法
Fenton 試劑具有很強的氧化能力,因此Fenton 氧化法在處理廢水有機物過程中發(fā)揮了巨大的作用。但由于體系中含有大量的Fe2 + 離子,H2O2 的利用率不高,使有機物降解不*。
2) 臭氧氧化法
臭氧在水處理方面具有氧化能力強,反應速度快,不產生污泥,無二次污染等特點,在去除合成洗滌劑以及降低水中的BOD、COD 等方面都具有特殊的效果。臭氧對難降解有機物的氧化通常是使其環(huán)狀分子的部分環(huán)或長鏈分子部分斷裂,從而使大分子物質變成小分子物質,生成易于生化降解的物質,提高廢水的可生化性。
3) 電化學氧化法
3、 生物處理技術





1、  賓館、飯店、療養(yǎng)院、醫(yī)院;

2、  住宅小區(qū)、村莊、集鎮(zhèn);

3、  車站、飛機場、海港碼頭、船舶;

4、  工廠、礦山、、旅游點、風景區(qū);

5、  與生活污水類似的各種工業(yè)有機廢水。



1、  基礎:WSZ系列設備如放置在地坪以上,只需準備一塊與設備外形相同的混凝土地坪作為基礎?;?nbsp;   礎承壓必須大于4T/m2,也同時要求水平、平整。



3、  在設備內注入清水,檢查各管道有無滲漏,若無則箱體四周覆土,直至設備檢查孔,并平整地面。把電控箱控制線與水泵接通,電控箱與電源接通,接線時注意風機、電機的轉向,必須與風機所指方向相同。




MBR membrane integrated sewage treatment equipment adopts the international advanced biological treatment process, which can remove BOD5, COD and nh3-n in one. It has the advantages of stable and reliable technical performance, good treatment effect, low investment, small footprint and convenient maintenance. Our company can also provide water reuse equipment according to customer's requirement.
Name: MBR membrane integrated sewage treatment equipment
Main body: made of carbon steel
Process: AO/A2O/MBR membrane

Application: domestic sewage, breeding and slaughtering wastewater,
Complete set of integrated sewage treatment equipment
Product features
1. The equipment is buried below the surface, and the surface above the equipment can be used as green or other land, without the need of building, heating and insulation.
2. The treatment process of secondary biological contact oxidation adopts the push-flow biological contact oxidation, and its treatment effect is better than that of the complete mixed biological contact oxidation tank or the two-stage tandem complete mixed biological contact oxidation tank. Compared with activated sludge tank, the volume is smaller, the adaptability to water quality is strong, the impact load resistance is good, the effluent water quality is stable, will not produce sludge expansion. New elastic stereoscopic packing is adopted in the pool, with large specific surface area, and microorganisms are easy to hang the film and remove the film. Under the same load condition of organic matter, the removal rate of organic matter is high, and the solubility of oxygen in air can be improved in water.
3. The biochemical pool adopts the biological contact oxidation method. The volume load of the filler is relatively low, and the microorganism is in the stage of its own oxidation.
4. The deodorization method of the buried domestic sewage treatment equipment adopts conventional high-altitude exhaust and is equipped with soil deodorization measures.
5. The whole equipment processing system is equipped with automatic electrical control system and equipment fault alarm system. It is safe and reliable in operation.
Equipment usage
1. Able to treat the comprehensive wastewater of the living system and similar organic sewage;
2. The complete set of equipment is simple to construct and easy to operate. All mechanical equipment is automatically controlled and all devices can be set below the surface;
3. The equipment is equipped with automatic control system for convenient management and maintenance. Service life of more than 30 years.
Process equipment
According to the existing water quality and quantity, there are generally the following sewage treatment processes:
1. Materialized treatment
Physicochemical method is often used in sewage treatment as a pretreatment method. The purpose of pretreatment is to remove organic matter, improve biochemical properties, reduce biochemical treatment load and improve treatment efficiency by recycling useful components in wastewater or treating some refractory biodegradable substances. The commonly used physical and chemical methods include flocculation precipitation (air floatation), adsorption, etc.
1) flocculation and precipitation
The wastewater contains colloids, esters and suspensions, making the wastewater a highly dispersed colloidal solution, which is generally more stable. The chemical flocculation method is to destroy the colloid of waste water through the physical and chemical action of agents, so that the organic matter in the dispersed state can be de-stabilized and condensed, and the coarse particulate matter in the aggregation state can be separated from the water.
Flocculation sedimentation is widely used in wastewater treatment because it can effectively reduce the turbidity and chromaticity of wastewater and can remove a variety of macromolecular organics. In recent years, the development of flocculants has changed from traditional inorganic flocculants to inorganic and organic polymer flocculants.
2) adsorption method
There are many kinds of adsorbents, such as activated carbon, macroporous resin, activated clay, diatomite and so on. The adsorbents commonly used in organic wastewater are activated carbon and macroporous resin. Although activated carbon has a high adsorption, but because of difficult regeneration, high cost and less use in China.
2. Chemical treatment
Chemical oxidation method is divided into two categories, one is under normal temperature and pressure using strong oxidants (such as hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, hypochlorite, ozone, etc.) in the wastewater of organic oxidation into carbon dioxide and water; The other is the decomposition of organic matter in wastewater under high temperature and pressure, including the process of supercritical water oxidation and wet air oxidation. The oxidant used is usually oxygen or hydrogen peroxide. Generally, the catalyst is used to reduce the reaction condition and speed up the reaction rate.
Chemical oxidation reaction is fast and easy to control, but the cost is high, it is usually difficult to decompose difficult organic matter into inorganic matter in a single step, and the control of intermediate products is rarely studied. The technique is also often used as a pretreatment method for biochemical treatment. The main methods are:
1) Fenton oxidation method
Fenton reagent has a strong oxidation ability, so Fenton oxidation method plays an important role in the treatment of organic compounds in wastewater. However, because the system contains a large number of Fe2 + ions, the utilization rate of H2O2 is not high, so the organic degradation is not complete.
2) ozone oxidation method
Ozone has strong oxidation ability in water treatment, fast reaction speed, no sludge, no secondary pollution and other characteristics, in the removal of synthetic detergent and reduce BOD, COD and other aspects of water have special effect. The oxidation of refractory organics by ozone usually breaks part of the ring molecules or long chain molecules, so that the macromolecules become small molecules to generate biodegradable substances and improve the biodegradability of wastewater.
3) electrochemical oxidation method
       Electrochemical oxidation, also known as electrochemical combustion, oxidizes organic matter under the action of electrooxidation on the electrode surface or free radicals generated by the action of electric field. Electrochemical oxidation is divided into direct electrochemical oxidation and indirect electrochemical oxidation. Direct electrochemical oxidation is a kind of REDOX reaction on the surface of electrode.
3. Biological processing technology
      Biological treatment technology is one of the most important processes in the general organic wastewater treatment system. It is a technology that utilizes the metabolism of microorganisms, mainly bacteria, to oxidize, decompose and absorb the soluble organics and some insoluble organics in the wastewater, and converts them into harmless stable substances so as to purify the water. In the process of modern biotechnological treatment, there are mainly three categories: aerobic biooxidation, facultative biodegradation and anaerobic digestion and degradation.
For a long time, aerobic biological treatment technology, especially activated sludge process, has been the main process of sewage treatment in China. It has the characteristics of high treatment efficiency and good effluent quality. Anaerobic biological treatment of wastewater is an important technology in environmental engineering and energy engineering because of its low energy consumption and low sludge yield. Although anaerobic treatment has some advantages, it is difficult for anaerobic effluent to directly meet the discharge standard. Generally, it is used for the biological treatment of high concentration organic sewage in the first stage. Therefore, the biological treatment in the second stage must still go through aerobic treatment to reach the discharge standard.
Treatment selection
         Based on the above treatment introduction, biological treatment technology is preferred as the main treatment process for domestic sewage treatment process. The main reason is that the biological treatment process has low operation cost and good treatment effect.
Scope of application
1. Hotels, restaurants, nursing homes and hospitals;
2. Residential communities, villages and market towns;
3. Stations, airports, seaports, docks and ships;
4. Factories, mines, troops, tourist spots and scenic spots;
5. All kinds of industrial organic wastewater similar to domestic sewage.
Installation, use and maintenance
1. Foundation: if WSZ series equipment is placed above the floor, only a concrete floor with the same appearance as the equipment is needed as the foundation. Foundation pressure must be greater than 4T/m2, but also horizontal and flat.
If the equipment is buried below the floor, the elevation of the foundation must be less than or equal to the elevation of the equipment and ensure that there is no rain or water. The foundation is generally plain concrete (whether the reinforcement depends on the local geological conditions).
2. Installation: according to the installation drawing, each box shall be placed in place successively. The position and direction of the box shall not be misplaced.
3. Pour clean water into the equipment to check whether there is leakage in each pipe. If there is no leakage, cover the box with soil until the inspection hole of the equipment and level the ground. Connect the control line of the electric control box with the water pump, connect the electric control box with the power supply, pay attention to the direction of the fan and motor when wiring, must be the same as the direction indicated by the fan.
Equipment construction
All pipes of the equipment are made of PVC or stainless steel, and the connection between pipes is made of PVC adhesive or stainless steel welding.
The packing adopts suspension biological packing as biological carrier, with large biomass, easy to hang film, no balling and no clogging.



















