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2023-12-09 08:35:04來源:FCS富強鑫集團(tuán) 閱讀量:128 評論



  On December 7, the Indian International Plastic Exhibition Plastivision opened at the Mumbai Exhibition Center, India.
  印度孟買國際塑料展(Plastivision India)是由印度制造協(xié)會(AIPMA)主辦的三年一屆的塑料行業(yè)盛會。作為全球十大塑料專業(yè)性展覽之一,印度塑料展在國際上一直保持著很高的知名度與深遠(yuǎn)的影響力。
  Plastivision India is a triennial plastics industry event organized by the Manufacturing Association of India (AIPMA). As one of the top ten professional plastic exhibitions in the world, the Plastivision India has maintained a high reputation and far-reaching influence in the world.
  此次展會,富強鑫在Hall 1, B2(3)展位展出兩臺注塑機。
  In this exhibition, FCS exhibited two injection molding machines in Hall 1, B2(3).



  FB-R多組分注塑機Rotary Table Two-Component IMM
  富強鑫FB-R系列轉(zhuǎn)盤式多組分雙色注塑機已發(fā)展39年,鎖模力涵蓋160-1900噸的,應(yīng)用范圍廣。由伺服電機控制轉(zhuǎn)盤動作,轉(zhuǎn)動時間可縮短50%以上。高效節(jié)能雙伺服動力系統(tǒng),符合國家一級節(jié)能標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(≦0.40kw h/kg)。專利轉(zhuǎn)盤定位夾具,定位精準(zhǔn),確保模具壽命。本次展會現(xiàn)場生產(chǎn)雙色筆筒。
  FB-R series rotary disc multi-component two-color IMM has been developed for 39 years, the clamping force ranging from 160-1900 tons, and the application range is wide. This exceptional apparatus can be equipped with a cutting-edge servo motor that deftly regulates turntable rotation, resulting in a remarkable 50% decrease in rotation time. What's more, the dual-servo power system is astoundingly efficient and eco-friendly, adhering to the national first-level energy-saving standards of ≦0.40kW h/kg. The patented turntable positioning fixture ensures faultless placement, thereby extending the mold's longevity. During this exhibition, the FB-280R  demonstrates the injection molding of two-component 1+1 cavity of pen container.


  SA-h薄壁包裝專用機High-Speed Thin-Wall Injection Molding Machine
  SA-h is a newly-released servo hydraulic energy-saving model with outward toggle clamping unit, especially suitable for producing food container as well as food box, bubble teacup and bubble teacup lid. With its clamping force ranging from 220 tons to 500 tons. During the exhibition, FCS demonstrate the  SA-330h on spot,producing a food container.


  富強鑫展位Hall 1, B2(3)
  Sincerly Welcome
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