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2024-04-20 08:32:48來(lái)源:市說(shuō)新語(yǔ) 閱讀量:31 評(píng)論




  World Metrology Day - 20 May 2024
  We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow
  Metrology, the science of measurement and its application, has always been at the forefront of technological and scientific advancements. Its impact can be seen in all aspects of society and it is omnipresent in our lives.
  This year, the theme for World Metrology Day is sustainability. Accurate measurements are the basis of environmental research and policymaking because they enable us to understand and tackle complex environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution, and resource depletion. The theme of sustainability encourages us to explore how metrology contributes to improving our lives every day. For example, accurate and reliable measurements enable better monitoring of environmental parameters, better assessment of the impact of human activities, and the development of strategies that promote ecological balance. Metrology empowers us to make informed decisions, whether by quantifying carbon emissions, measuring waste, or monitoring natural habitats.
  Metrology plays a critical role in carbon accounting, which can cover a wide range of activities including the accurate measurement, calculation, monitoring, reporting, and auditing of pollutants. Carbon accounting schemes and other regulatory measures for safeguarding the environment require reliable data, based on the accurate measurements of pollutants potentially present in the environment at part per billion levels.
  Metrology is also of key importance because it supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the efforts of the United Nations in achieving sustainable global development:
  · 以法制計(jì)量為基礎(chǔ)的公平、透明的貿(mào)易,能夠改善所有人的經(jīng)濟(jì)狀況,有助于減少貧困;
  · fair and transparent trade based on legal metrology serves to improve economic conditions for us all and assists in reducing poverty;
  · 可靠和可比的測(cè)試結(jié)果,對(duì)于增進(jìn)我們的健康和福祉至關(guān)重要;
  · reliable and comparable test results are important in order to improve our health and well-being;
  · 有效地應(yīng)對(duì)氣候變化行動(dòng),必須以能夠量化排放量、監(jiān)測(cè)基本氣候變量、監(jiān)控減排策略有效性的測(cè)量技術(shù)為基礎(chǔ);
  · effective climate action must be based on measurement technologies that quantify emissions and essential climate variables as well as monitor the effectiveness of mitigation strategies;
  · 測(cè)量對(duì)于開(kāi)發(fā)和監(jiān)測(cè)清潔能源技術(shù)至關(guān)重要,這些技術(shù)保證了我們能夠獲得負(fù)擔(dān)得起的清潔能源;
  · measurements are essential in order to develop and monitor the technologies that ensure we have access to affordable and clean energy; and
  · 工業(yè)創(chuàng)新和基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施,依賴(lài)于對(duì)各種參數(shù)的準(zhǔn)確測(cè)量。
  · industrial innovation and infrastructure depend on accurate measurements for a wide range of parameters.
  The theme for World Metrology Day in 2024 underscores the pivotal role that metrology plays in all these cases and reminds us of our collective responsibility to safeguard our planet.
  This year also marks a new chapter in the promotion of World Metrology Day following the Resolution adopted by the 42nd Session of the UNESCO General Conference in November 2023 to grant official recognition by UNESCO to its celebration on 20th May each year. This will provide new opportunities to promote metrology, and aligns with UNESCOs mission to construct a better world through science and education.
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