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2023-10-11 14:03:18來源:上海佰覓商務(wù)咨詢有限公司 閱讀量:93 評論



  About The 12th Int’l Automotive Industry 4.0 Summit
  擁抱數(shù)智,造就綠色未來:備受矚目的第十二屆國際汽車工業(yè)4.0峰會即將于11月16-17號震撼來襲,旨在聚集300+ 汽車制造/供應(yīng)鏈/運(yùn)營/信息化/數(shù)字化/物流/持續(xù)改進(jìn)/工藝工程/精益..等C-Level 管理層&汽車制造專家共探目前實際生產(chǎn)中遇到的痛難點,話題涵蓋:碳中和戰(zhàn)略及全生命周期碳排放管理,北京奔馳,福田康明斯等領(lǐng)先企業(yè)的智慧工廠實踐案例,舊改新案例及工業(yè)4.0投資回報分析,數(shù)據(jù)管理和分析,蔚來,理想,小鵬,賽力斯等新勢力的智能制造案例,質(zhì)量管理,智能維護(hù),數(shù)字化韌性供應(yīng)鏈,三電系統(tǒng)的先進(jìn)制造工藝,VR/AR/3D打印/5G/IIOT/MES/AGV/機(jī)器視覺/數(shù)字孿生等技術(shù)應(yīng)用等。對于正在/準(zhǔn)備推進(jìn)企業(yè)數(shù)字化轉(zhuǎn)型升級的企業(yè)相關(guān)職能負(fù)責(zé)人而言,這絕對是一場不可錯過的盛會!
  Embrace the Intelligence and Manufacture the Green Future: The 12th International Automotive Industry 4.0 Summit is coming this Nov 16th-17th in Shanghai, aiming to gather 300+ C-level Automotive Manufacturing / SCM / Operation /IT /Digitalization /Logistics /Continuous Improvement /Industrial Engineering / Lean / Plant ... Heads to Discuss Key pain spots in Daily Operation / Manufacturing and find the way to empower Digitalization & Manufacturing Efficiency with Decent ROI. Covering Carbon neutral strategy / Carbon Management in SCM & Manufacturing Processes / Digitalization Practice fromBeijing Benz,F(xiàn)oton Cummins / ROI from Industry 4.0 & Upgrading of existing production lines /  Data Management from R&D to Delivery / Smart Manufacturing from NEV Pioneers NIO, XPENG, LI AUTO, SERES / Quality Management in the era of 4.0 / Smart Maintenance / Digital Resilient SCM/  Advanced manufacturing processes and applications of PACK & cell & motors and electronic controls / Latest Application of VR / AR / 3D Printing /5G /IIOT /MES/AGV / 3D Machine Vision Solutions in Automotive Manufacturing etc. Catch Now if you are leading / preparing for your company’s  digital transformation.
  會議時間/Event Date:2023年11月16-17日 November 16-17, 2023
  會議地址/ Address:上海/ Shanghai
  主辦方/ Organizer:上海佰覓商務(wù)咨詢有限公司/ BIMI-AUTO(Part of Borscon)
  /Website: bimi-auto.com/2023Auto4.0/index.html
  Part of confirmed speakers


  Innovative Discussions on Pain Points:Focusing on the critical pain points of digitalization and intelligent transformation, steering the automotive industry into a new era of innovation. The summit will display solutions and assist enterprise decision-makers in facing the upcoming challenges of intelligent technologies.
  Executive Decision-Maker Dialogue Salon: Tailored for corporate decision-makers, this salon will invite industry leaders to collectively explore the business opportunities and challenges brought about by digitalization and intelligence. It aims to help business leaders more accurately grasp the industry pulse.
  Global EminentGuests:Centered on top corporate decision-makers globally, with technology leaders from various continents attending the summit. Together, they will create an international community of decision-makers, forging a new pattern for global digitalization and intelligent transformation.
  Technology Exhibition and Experience:The live technology exhibition area will display cutting-edge digital and intelligent solutions. Decision-makers will have the opportunity to personally experience the innovative power of the future automotive industry, broadening their business perspectives.
  Business Cooperation and Negotiations: A unique setting for business negotiations, fostering strategic cooperation among enterprises. It provides decision-makers with more opportunities for business collaboration, facilitating the faster and deeper implementation of digitalization and intelligent transformation.
  Advantages for Enterprise Decision-Makers:
  1) 專屬對話平臺:高層對話沙龍和專業(yè)論壇,為企業(yè)決策者提供獨(dú)特的對話平臺,分享經(jīng)驗,共同破解行業(yè)難題。
  Exclusive Dialogue Platform:High-level dialogue salons and professional forums provide decision-makers with a unique platform for sharing experiences and collectively addressing industry challenges.
  2) 全球決策者社群:峰會將促成全球決策者的深度交流,搭建國際化的決策者社群,助力企業(yè)拓展國際業(yè)務(wù)。
  Global Decision-Maker Community:The summit will facilitate in-depth exchanges among global decision-makers, establishing an international decision-maker community to help enterprises expand their international business.
  3) 技術(shù)前沿體驗:企業(yè)決策者可親臨技術(shù)展示區(qū),第一時間體驗最新的數(shù)字化/智能化解決方案,為企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略決策提供有力支持。
  Experience at the Forefront of Technology:Enterprise decision-makers can personally visit the technology exhibition area, experiencing the latest digitalization and intelligent solutions firsthand, providing robust support for strategic decision-making.
  This summit will be the golden key for enterprise decision-makers to initiate digitalization and intelligent transformation, Catch the last 20 seats left to join the world's top decision-makers in leading the further automotive manufacturing!
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