ASME Section I and VIII, Steam, “V” and “UV,” ASME Section VIII, Air/Gas “UV” National Board Certified. Models 6933, 6934, and 6935 are ASME Section IV, “Steam” “HV” National Board Certified. PED Certified for Non-Hazardous Gas.
Series 6000
- Description
- Specifications
- Documentation
ASME Section I and VIII, Steam, “V” and “UV,” ASME Section VIII, Air/Gas “UV” National Board Certified. Models 6933, 6934, and 6935 are ASME Section IV, “Steam” “HV” National Board Certified. PED Certified for Non-Hazardous Gas.
Model Descriptions
Model 6010: Side outlet. Full nozzle design with bronze/brass trim. Available with O-ring seats. For exceptional leak-free performance.
Model 6021: Same as model 6010 with Teflon® (PFA) disc insert. For exceptional leak-free performance (use on steam only).
Model 6030: Same as model 6010 except Stainless Steel (SS) trim (nozzle and disc). Available with O-ring seats for exceptional leak-free performance.
Model 6182: Top outlet. Full nozzle design with bronze/brass trim. O-ring seat available for exceptional leak-free performance.
Model 6121: Same as model 6182 with Teflon® (PFA) disc insert. For exceptional non-leak performance (use on steam only).
Model 6130: Same as model 6182 except SS trim (nozzle and disc). O-ring seat available for exceptional leak-free performance.
Model 6186: Top outlet. Full nozzle design with bronze/brass trim. 150 psig [10.3 barg] maximum set pressure. Replaces Model 86 (original equipment only).
Model 6283: Over-sized side outlet. Full nozzle design bronze/brass trim.
Model 6221: Same as model 6283 with Teflon® (PFA) disc insert. For exceptional leak-free performance (use on steam only).
Model 6230: Same as model 6283 except SS trim (nozzle and disc).
Model 6933: Same as model 6010 except certified for ASME code Section IV. Low pressure steam heating boilers set at 15 psig [1.0 barg] only.
Model 6934: Same as model 6021 except certified for ASME code Section IV. Low pressure steam heating boilers set at 15 psig [1.0 barg] only.
Model 6935: Same as model 6030 except certified for ASME code Section IV. Low pressure steam heating boilers set at 15 psig [1.0 barg] only.
Features & Benefits:
- O-ring seats available for exceptional leak-free performance, reduced maintenance cost, multiple cycles with tight shutoff, improved seating integrity.
- Wide hex on valve nozzle provides wrenching service clearance for easy installation.
- Dual control rings offer easy adjustability for precise opening with minimum preopen or simmer and exact blowdown control.
- Pivot between disc and spring corrects misalignment and compensates for spring side thrust.
- Grooved piston model disc reduces sliding area and friction.
- Each Kunkle valve is tested and inspected for pressure setting and leakage.
Steam Boilers and Generators.
Air/Gas Compressors - reciprocating or rotary - portable or stationary, intercoolers and aftercoolers.
Pressure Vessels - containing steam, air or non-hazardous gas. Including tanks, receivers, sterilizers and autoclaves.
Pressure Reducing Stations - protection of the discharge or low pressure side of system.
Pressure and Temperature Limits
Models 6010, 6021, 6182, 6283, 6221
Steam Service
3 psig to 250 psig [0.2 barg to 17.2 barg]; -60°F to 406°F [-51°C to 208°C]
Air/Gas Service
3 psig to 300 psig [0.2 barg to 20.7 barg]; -60°F to 406°F [-51°C to 208°C]
Models 6030, 6130, 6230
Steam and Air/Gas Service
3 psig to 300 psig [0.2 barg to 20.7 barg]; -60°F to 425°F [-51°C to 218°C]